STWST48x3 48 Hours MIND LESS Sept 8th - 10th, 2017
Under the slogan MIND LESS, STWST48x3, the third edition of STWST48, offers a 48-hour showcase-art-extravanganza of the expanding kind. Mindless information, open states of mind, an infolab in opposite to new media, quasi-coordinates of extended contexts, funky fungis, digital physics and a Meltdown Totale: STWST48x3 MIND LESS is addressing new art contexts that have been developed in and around the Stadtwerkstatt Linz in recent years. Watch out: MIND LESS Stadtwerkstatt is also in 2017 under the directive of New Art Contexts and autonomous structures. **Start:** Fr, Sept 8th, 2 pm **End:** Sun, Sept 10th, 2 pm [[|REVIEW - ALL VIDEOLINKS TO THE SINGLE PROJECTS]]