servus Clubraum / 48 Hours Continuous
Let's secure autonomous information. The Infolab of the Stadtwerkstatt is continuously working on an autonomous information network. STWST48x3 presents the current development status of the project is a further development of ABT11 and “7076 - its not a test”. The last year brought a change to the technology, which now uses a WSPR and JP65 protocol. Both techniques offer enormous ranges with very small band widths. This means that the information transmission on status messages is thereby reduced. The goal of the project is to build up a global worldwide minimalistic information network in the CB free radio spectrum. At present, network nodes are operating on ships in Birmingham, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Amsterdam and Linz.
Franz Xaver
International exhibitions in the context of media art (Kunsthalle Bonn, Triennale Milano, Venice Biennale). Construction of hack and fablabs such as silverserver, Funkfeuer, ViVi u Metalab and Medienkunstlabor. Teaching activities in Vienna and Graz, among others. Information theory and electronics. Since 2008 in Stadtwerkstadt Linz (Topics: Infolab, Currencies and DoNAUtics)